Posted by : Unknown
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Elder law specialists, like a Lamkinelderlaw Medicaid attorney, can provide updated advice regarding the Veteran's Aide and Attendance (AA) program. This pension is unfortunately the least known among the three levels of Veteran's Aide programs; yet provides a bigger incentive – for the veteran and the spouse - in the long run.
If qualified for the Veteran's Aide and Attendance benefits, the veteran can receive cash assistance for assisted living, skilled nursing, and adult care. Caring for seniors can take its toll on the family after a long time. Having all the available help needed can greatly cut costs and relieve burdens for all parties involved. The veteran can also rest easy, knowing that his or her services have somehow bore fruit in his twilight years.

General Eligibility
- The veteran must have at least 90 days of active duty, with one day beginning or ending during a time of war.
- He or she doesn't need to be in a facility; however, proof that assistance for daily tasks such as cooking, dressing, and eating are required. Mental incapacity or other injuries such as blindness can also qualify the veteran or surviving spouse.
- Must usually be above 65 years old.
- Financially, a veteran must have less than $80,000 in assets, not including home and vehicles.
Required Documents
- Discharge papers (Form DD-214) available online, in local Veteran service centers; or ordered by mail through the National Personnel Records Center
- Marriage certificate (for married veterans)
- Social Security award letter
- Financial statements such as: bank accounts, bonds, annuities, stocks, trusts, net worth information, etc.
- Proof of income (from pensions, retirement funds, investments, etc.)
- Medical forms or physician statements which include: medical status, current diagnosis, capabilities, nursing home eligibility, etc.
- List of doctors and hospitals over the past year
- Personal information like name, mailing address, and banking details (for depositing the monthly payments)
Take Note:
- NEVER mail in original copies. Getting these documents are often difficult, lengthy processes and there's chance that these important papers would get lost along the way. Make duplicates and secure one of each for personal reference.
- If the veteran or spouse is above 90 years old, include a letter asking that the application be expedited.
- Application process normally takes nine months or more. There are exceptions – but be guided and prepared for all possibilities.
- To start the file of an application while securing all needed documents, go ahead and submit a Statement in Support of Claim (Form 21-4138). It serves as an informal claim showing the intent of the applicant without the proper papers yet. Once it has been submitted, there's a one year allotment for all documents to be collected and sent.
- Remember to keep ALL correspondence from the VA (Veteran's Administration) regarding AA claims.
- The VA does not allow a proxy to file a claim for the veteran; however, they can hire a consultant or Elder Law specialist to help with inquiries and other professional advice.